BBC SEARCH FOR A RADIO STAR: New Voices wanted for Local Radio talent contest

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Open auditions to take place across England and Channel Islands for BBC Local Radio’s biggest ever talent search


The BBC has announced details for its biggest ever talent search to find the next generation of radio stars. All 39 local radio stations across England and the Channel Islands are hosting open auditions for New Voices on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 September.


BBC Radio Leeds will be holding auditions at The Alhambra Studio Theatre in Bradford on Sunday September 29th from 9.30am until 5.30pm. Registrations will close at 2.30pm and you’re advised to get there early!


BBC Local Radio is on the hunt for ordinary people with a love for their local area to take to the mic. Anyone over the age of 18 can audition and no previous experience is required.

Hopefuls will have 60 seconds to impress a panel of judges. They could tell a story about something they care about, something local, something personal… anything as long as it’s unique. Judges across the country will include BBC editors and producers plus special guests such as vocal coaches Carrie and David Grant.

In Bradford the judges will be Sanjiv Buttoo, Editor of BBC Radio Leeds, Gayle Lofthouse, BBC Radio Leeds teatime presenter and Sharon Watson, Artistic Director at Phoenix Dance Theatre.

The judges are looking for people who have the potential to contribute to existing shows, present their own one-off programme or even land a regular slot on a station.

New Voices-LOGO

BBC England’s Head of Audio and Digital Chris Burns says: “BBC Local Radio has always been the place in the BBC where new talent can get a break. Very few of today’s famous broadcasters haven’t done a stint at their local station. We are determined to discover the next generation of new radio talent. Our local teams speak to hundreds of people every day and know there are plenty of fascinating talkers out there who deserve more air time. So we’re opening our doors and inviting people to have a go at getting a slot on one of our stations.”

In most cases, all people will have to do is turn up at their local venue prepared to impress. However some will require candidates to pre-register first – for the full details.

The auditions will be first-come-first-served, so everyone is asked to make sure they check the times of the auditions and arrive promptly for the best chance to be seen.

The New Voices search is part of BBC Local Radio’s commitment to move into a new era. Last year the shared weekday evening show was replaced with fresh evening shows focused on bringing new talent to the BBC and covering subjects not usually heard on BBC local radio.


An award-winning London comedian, a former Leeds United footballer Sanchez Payne, former Lord Mayor of Sheffield Magid Magid, Letitia George a finalist on The Voice, and Anna Lapwood the 24-year-old director of music at Pembroke College, Cambridge were just some of the new stars who scored their first break in broadcasting in the evening line-up.

Some of the biggest names in broadcast started in BBC Local Radio including Jeremy Vine and Woman’s Hour’s Jane Garvey. Now it’s hoped the New Voices open auditions will uncover even more new talent.

For further information and full terms and conditions visit


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